Archive | February, 2011

X-treme Performer: Evel Knievel

28 Feb

*An Extract from X-treme Feats, a new four week elementary curriculum from River’s Edge. Perfect for Easter. To be launched by March 11.

Evel Knievel was born with the name Robert Craig Knievel.  He started being referred to as Evel Knievel because Evel rhymed with his last name. However, he did not spell it like “evil” because he did not want his name to mean “evil.” He began to do daredevil type thrills and challenges early in life, first on a bicycle. As he got older he was involved in ski jumping, pole vaulting, and motorcross.

His first motorcycle stunt show had Knievel jumping a twenty-foot-long box of rattlesnakes and two mountain lions on his motorcycle. As time went on Knievel started jumping cars, adding more and more cars to his jumps to keep people coming out to see him again. He broke many bones during the years, more than any other human, 37 total. He jumped cars line up, cars stacked high, and buses lined up. He was a big hit on sports shows on television.  Some of Knievel’s biggest stunts and records included jumping 19 cars, 13 delivery trucks, 50 stacked cars and 14 Greyhound buses.

Knievel always talked about jumping the Grand Canyon, however, the government would not allow him to try. Instead he tired Snake River Canyon using a rocket-powered cycle. It actually would fly more like a rocket than a motorcycle. Unfortunately, the parachute was deployed at take-off and the cycle went down into the canyon, however, Knievel only had minor injuries.

Knievel believed that he could make the jumps. He believed that he would be able to stay on his motorcycle and land safely on the other side of whatever he was jumping. However, just believing was not enough. He had to act on that belief. He had to take a step of action on that belief.

When we talk about believing in Jesus, we are talking about the same type of belief. We can believe that Jesus exists. We can believe that He died on the cross. But it takes acting on that belief. Truly believing means trusting Him with our lives. It means taking that step of faith to give Him our lives.

Introducing Plungerman

22 Feb

Plungerman is a new character featured throughout the upcoming Easter Curriculum, X-Treme Feats, from River’s Edge Curriculum.

Enjoy this extract from an X-Treme Feats lesson, and look out for the launch of the new, 4 week Easter curriculum series.
Plungerman jumps onto stage with his plunger held out.

Plungerman! (He draws out the name in a loud, commanding voice.)

Faster than a flushing toilet

More powerful than clogged pipes

Able to unplug shower drains with a single plunge

Look! Up in front of you!

It’s a man. It’s a plunger. It’s Plungerman!

Plungerman here. Ready to be of service to the citizens of (Name your town).  I see from the looks of things that everything is under control. No need for unplugging or unclogging here?

I love my job. Plungerman loves his job. Facing menacing drains. Facing enemy lines of clogged hair. Facing the unknown. When Plungerman is called, he arrives as fast as you can flush your toilet. Plungerman is always ready for adventure.

Any adventure except ones involving LOVE. That isn’t a word that Plungerman uses lightly. I’m talking about the kissy and huggy and ooey, gooey kind of love.  A Superhero like me can’t get too romantic. It would ruin my reputation.  No, Plungerman is rough and tough. He is ready to go into action with a moment’s notice.

Of course Plungerman is all about God’s love. That kind of love isn’t something to take lightly. No, not at all. God’s love is. . is. . . more powerful than Plungerman. God’s love is . . bigger than Plungerman.  God’s love is. . . stronger than Plungerman. God’s love can do more than just unplug shower drains with a single plunge. God’s love is ENOURMOUS. God’s love is XTREME.

Voice from offstage or through a mic: Attention Plungerman. Attention Plungerman. Emergency. Plungerman is needed at 5th and Elm Street.

Plungerman snaps to attention, puts his plunger in the air, points it toward the door and runs out yelling, “Plungerman to the rescue!”

Bursting With Anger Science Object Lesson

8 Feb

Spiritual Connection: Controlling Anger

Supplies: 2 balloons, flame (candle, lighter, match), water

When we worship God, we take our eyes off ourselves and place them on Him. However, when we get busy with our lives and forget to spend time worshiping Him, we become more focused on ourselves.

(Blow up a balloon and tie.)  When we are focused on ourselves, we tend to get angry easier. Instead of calmly dealing with people who make us upset, we get mad. We can explode with anger. (Place the balloon over the flame. It will pop.)

However, when we take time to worship God and be filled with His word and His Spirit, we find that when we are pushed to become angry, He helps us stay calm. (Pour ¼ cup of water into the other balloon. Not the balloon.)  When we are put over the “fire,” we can rely on God’s strength to not lose control and burst with anger. (Hold the balloon over the fire. It will not pop.)

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. James 1: 19-20