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Creative Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

27 Mar

Easter Blog

Easter is right around the corner.  One of the most exciting experiences for kids around this time is participating in an Easter egg hunt. In fact, Winter Haven, Florida once took advantage of this opportunity and threw the world’s largest Easter egg hunt with over 501,000 eggs hidden!

While you most likely won’t be trying to beat that record, creating a unique Easter egg hunt is a fantastic way to get people intrigued into visiting your church, attending an event you host, or simply making memories. Below are several creative Easter egg hunt ideas that go above and beyond simply hiding the eggs. Also, make sure you have picked up your Easter Curriculum for this upcoming April!

Glow In The Dark Easter Egg Hunt


A glow-in-the-dark Easter egg hunt is a small twist that exceeds expectations in creating fun. Buy some glow in the dark Easter eggs, set up some black lights, and decorate the room. Although a glow-in-the-dark hunt is only possible inside, kids will be talking about this experience for years to come!

Reverse Easter Egg Hunt


Instead of hiding the eggs yourself, give each child a basket full of eggs to hide. Allow parents or older siblings the chance to find the eggs that are hidden. Not only is this a unique hunt but it provides a perfect transition into a discussion on generosity or serving.

Drone Easter Egg Hunt


This is a less expensive twist to the popular helicopter Easter egg drop. Using a bag or tarp, attach it to a drone and have it fly over kids. After a few minutes, have the drone either land or release the bag to drop all the eggs. The novelty alone will make this a hunt to remember.

Golden Egg Easter Egg Hunt


Everybody loves the opportunity of winning an amazing prize. This Easter you can give kids that thrill by including one or several golden Easter eggs into your hunt. Hide them extremely well and inform parents and kids of a grand prize if that egg is found. Make the prize worthwhile and you will soon create a buzz around your Easter egg hunt this year!

Burlap Easter Egg Hunt


Okay, the name doesn’t sound amazing but read on. Everybody loves a bunny hop race and an Easter egg hunt, so why not mix the two? Combine the sack race game by buying burlap bags and give each kid a bag that they have to hop around in while collecting eggs. Not only will the egg hunt last longer, but kids will pretend to hop around like bunnies as they actively search for eggs.


Kids love Easter egg hunts. No matter what style of hunt you end up doing, the children at your event will love you for it. So, what type of hunt are you doing this April? We would love to hear your ideas by commenting below!

Have you planned out your churches Easter lesson yet? If not, check out our amazing Easter curriculum and find the perfect fit for your church. 

LEGO Bible Verse Activity

6 Feb

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In 2014 The LEGO Movie became a box office hit as families everywhere clamored to go see the film that ended up grossing over $469.1 million around the world.

The sequel, The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part, is arriving in theaters this weekend and is bound to be another smash hit.

Taking kids interest and weaving in a Gospel message is a great way to connect with children while presenting truth in a tangible way. Below is a free memory verse activity that uses LEGO to teach the importance of 1 Corinthians 3:11.

Building Block Bible Verse Activity

Main Point: Jesus is our foundation.
Verse: 1 Corinthians 3:11 (NIV)
Time: About 15-20min
Supplies: Building Block Bible Verse Activity Sheet

Say: “Raise your hand if you love LEGO’s (Wait for response). I love them as well! These building blocks are amazing as you can create anything you want out of them.

“If I built a tower out of LEGO’s I could make it incredibly tall as long as the structure had a strong supportive base. This is called a foundation. Does anybody know what that word means? (Wait for response). A foundation is the strongest structure that the building is built onto. If you have a weak foundation, a building might collapse. But if you have a strong foundation, the building will stay strong.”

“The Bible tells us that as Christians we have a strong foundation, his name is Jesus. Listen to what 1 Corinthians 3:11 has to say: ‘For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Christ Jesus.’ Wow! No matter what we add about our knowledge, understanding, or faith of God, the most important thing to remember is that Jesus is our strong foundation.”

Hand out copies of the Building Block Bible Verse Activity Sheet (Downloadable at the bottom of the page). Allow kids time to cut out the bricks. After, have kids mix up the bricks and time them to see how long It takes to put the Bible verse in order. Help out as needed.

Building Block Bible Verse Activity

After say: “You all did a fantastic job with that activity. Why don’t we say the memory verse together one more time? ‘For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Christ Jesus. – 1 Corinthians 3:11′. The next time you play with your LEGO’s I hope you remember that our strongest foundation is our Lord, Jesus.”

Download: Building Block Bible Verse Activity Sheet

How do you use LEGO’s in your ministry or at home as an object lesson? Comment below sharing your ideas! And for another free LEGO based object lesson, check out our other blog post The Lion of Judah

Amazing Super Bowl Decorating Ideas

27 Jan

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Are you ready for the Super Bowl?

Super Bowl Sunday is a great opportunity to add some excitement into your ministry after the start of the year. Make an event on Facebook, personally call families you haven’t seen in your ministry in a while, and grab The Big Game Curriculum Lesson. The only thing left to do is start decorating for the day!

For Super Bowl 50, using The Big Game curriculum lesson, we put on an amazing children’s ministry event and decorated to match. Below are some ideas for you to make your Sunday amazing!

Welcome With A Grand Entrance


From the moment you walked into the doors the rivalry felt real. Make signs using the teams colors and put them on opposite sides. You can print small logos or make it a photo opportunity and go big like we did!

Make A Super Bowl Play Area


What’s a football event without some footballs? We used pool noodles to make a field goal that kids could try to kick through. We also set up cones for drills and placed footballs all over the area for play time!


Stage Design Is Key


Children were allowed to go on stage and put a football on the team they believed would win. Make interactive areas that go beyond kicking or throwing a ball. Have stations with a football craft.

Decorate Everywhere


Footballs and Super Bowl party designs were posted in the hallway and all over the room. Sports tunes blasted on the sound system and past Super Bowl highlights played on the big screen. The entire environment should scream FOOTBALL.

Grab The Big Game Curriculum Lesson


Using the biblical example of Paul and the sport of football children will learn the importance of keeping their eyes on Jesus and finishing the game strong. Grab a free Football Object Lesson taken from this curriculum unit.

What are you planning on doing for the Super Bowl this year? Comment below with your plan and decorating ideas!