Tag Archives: Ideas

Amazing Super Bowl Decorating Ideas

27 Jan

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Are you ready for the Super Bowl?

Super Bowl Sunday is a great opportunity to add some excitement into your ministry after the start of the year. Make an event on Facebook, personally call families you haven’t seen in your ministry in a while, and grab The Big Game Curriculum Lesson. The only thing left to do is start decorating for the day!

For Super Bowl 50, using The Big Game curriculum lesson, we put on an amazing children’s ministry event and decorated to match. Below are some ideas for you to make your Sunday amazing!

Welcome With A Grand Entrance


From the moment you walked into the doors the rivalry felt real. Make signs using the teams colors and put them on opposite sides. You can print small logos or make it a photo opportunity and go big like we did!

Make A Super Bowl Play Area


What’s a football event without some footballs? We used pool noodles to make a field goal that kids could try to kick through. We also set up cones for drills and placed footballs all over the area for play time!


Stage Design Is Key


Children were allowed to go on stage and put a football on the team they believed would win. Make interactive areas that go beyond kicking or throwing a ball. Have stations with a football craft.

Decorate Everywhere


Footballs and Super Bowl party designs were posted in the hallway and all over the room. Sports tunes blasted on the sound system and past Super Bowl highlights played on the big screen. The entire environment should scream FOOTBALL.

Grab The Big Game Curriculum Lesson


Using the biblical example of Paul and the sport of football children will learn the importance of keeping their eyes on Jesus and finishing the game strong. Grab a free Football Object Lesson taken from this curriculum unit.

What are you planning on doing for the Super Bowl this year? Comment below with your plan and decorating ideas! 

3 Resolutions for your Church Ministry in 2019

18 Jan


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January is only halfway over and most New Year’s Resolutions have already failed.

According to Jon Acuff in his book Finish: Give Yourself The Gift of Done, 92 percent of all New Year’s resolutions fail. Not because people don’t try to accomplish them, but because perfectionism stagnates growth and the resolution sputters to a halt.

Below are three simple resolutions to implement in your church ministry that are both achievable and significant.

Resolution #1 – Learn Something New About One Attendee Every Week. 

In children’s ministry this can be both easy to accomplish and forget.  However, committing to learn one new thing about a child each week can make a major impact. What video game are they into this month? Who do they want to be like when they get older? Why are corndogs their favorite meal? Simple questions allow you to connect with the individuals who are attending your ministry on a personal level and send the message that you care about them.

Resolution #2 – Make One Big Ask A Month

Big asks can be terrifying. Asking that volunteer to take on leadership responsibilities, inquiring with a parent if they would prep all the material for your ministry, calling a business to check if they would allow you to use their space for free. Yet scripture is clear that Christ has empowered us with the Holy Spirit which, as it says in 2 Timothy 1:7:

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

Each month in 2019 make a big ask. The worse thing that could happen is for that person to decline and the best is beyond imagination.

Resolution #3 – Try One New Thing

It feels good to have a ministry that is running effectively and efficiently. The dangers of this happening is that stagnation can set in. Simply doing the same thing you did this year as in 2018 can be an easy way out. Instead, plan to try one new thing this year in your ministry. I don’t mean a little thing like serving tea instead of coffee. I mean something major. Change how your small group operates, host one major church event, build an interactive experience for kids. Shake things up and try one new thing.

Small change can make a major impact. You can’t lose twenty pounds in one week, but in the course of a year you can adjust your diet and exercise to accomplish your goal. Pick one of the resolutions above and start making small changes. In one year you will see the fruit of the small but important changes.

Let us know which Resolution above you picked or if you have a different New Year’s Resolution that is still going strong! Want help on resolution #3? Check out our blog post form last year about Five Ways To Create a Fun Kidmin Environment.

Twenty-Five Days of Christmas

14 Nov


Imagine opening up this blog every day in December and a fun, easy and creative idea pops out at you. Ideas that sometimes are meaningful, sometimes are just silly and sometimes make you think in a different way. Ideas that might be pinterest worthy and others that might keep your sanity during a pinterest- saturated season.

Beginning December 1, we will post a creative idea, thought, or mini lesson each day all the way up through December 25. The posts will include fun for both families and kid’s pastors. They will help you keep focus on “Come, Let us Adore Him” and “Joy to the World” instead of “Santa Clause” and the “Elf on the Shelf.’  (Please- I’m not saying anything is wrong with those- just making our purpose clear.)

We would love to post some of your ideas. If you have an idea you would like to share with us, please email riversedgechristmas@gmail.com with a picture, the instructions or whatever we need to share the ideas. Please do not email pictures of kids unless you have permission to do so (or they are your kids).

What fun things have you done in the past that have been meaningful? Creative? Sanity saving?