Archive | June, 2012

Shining Your Light Object Lesson and Craft

28 Jun

Energy/UV beads capture kids’ attention with their surprising color change when they come into contact with sunlight. Use the beads to teach kids about the importance of “shining their light.”

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5: 16 (ESV)

Have the kids string the beads onto twine, ribbon or narrow leather. Tie the ends together and place the bracelet on the wrist. Ask the kids, “How would you describe your bracelet?”


Now have the kids go outside into the sunlight. Ask them, “How would you now describe your bracelet?”

ImageJesus tells us that we should let our light shine on others. That means our lives should reflect Him and show others His love through our actions and our words. When we do that, people will see that we are changed by Jesus and will give Him glory.

Questions to ask the kids:

How is the bracelet like our lives when we do not let our light shine and when we do let it shine?

What does a life look like that shines its light?

Can we shine our light by just being good? What makes us shine our light?

Purchase energy beads from River’s Edge website:

Simple Organizational Tool for Parents, Kid’s Pastors (and really anyone!)

11 Jun

If you are like me. . . I’m always forgetting something as I run out the door. OR I tell my kids to remember something and put a sticky note on the door and it falls off.

Solution: (Found in an old Family Fun magazine)

Find a clothespin (did I say how much I love clothespins??) and a pad of small sticky notes (did I say that I love sticky notes even more than I love clothespins???). Glue the sticky notes to the clothespin. Easy to switch the message after you use one!

For instance, Josiah left his phone at our home on Friday. I know I’ll see his mother on Tuesday. However, 9 times out of 10 I’ll run out of the house without the phone. Clip it to my bag that I always take to church and I KNOW that I’ll remember when I see the clothespin note.

Genius isn’t it?