Archive | October, 2017

Apple of His Eye Object Lesson

2 Oct

apple book

Apple Object Lesson

Supplies: apple

Did you know that the Bible talks about apples? (Show the apple.) In Psalms 17:8, it says, “Keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me in the shadow of your wings.” David was praying because he had enemies that were attacking him. He knew that God was watching over him.

What does it mean to be the apple of someone’s eye? (Give kids a chance to answer.)

Let’s look at each other’s eyes. Turn to the person next to you and look in their eye. The eyeball is also called the globe of the eye. It has the iris that is the colored part, the white and the black pupil. Together the eyeball is round or apple shaped. If you look closely in each other’s eyes you can see a picture of yourself.

When we are the apple of someone’s eye, that means that we are seen by them. Not only are we seen but also the eye is known to have great value so it also means that we are precious to them, important to them and they are watching over us.

We are the apple of God’s eye. Each one of us is important to him. Precious to him. And he is watching over us.

Excerpt from Apple Of His Eye lesson from River’s Edge. Download it today to get apple trivia, bible story, application, craft, game, take home paper, snack, small group discussion, memory verse activity and creative options.