10 Family Thanksgiving Ideas

25 Nov

1. Make a Gratitude Jar. Read more here.

Thanks Jar

2. Have some fun with the words Gratitude and Attitude with this simple object lesson.

3. Make a tablecloth using kid’s hand prints. Pull it out each year.

thanksgiving tablecloth

From homeplatefun.blogspot.com

4. Play charades. Each team writes things they are thankful for on small pieces of paper. The other team draws one at a time and acts these things out.

5. Have each child stand with a chalkboard (or paper) telling something they are thankful for. Take a picture. Keep the pictures in an album and add to it each year.


6. Place a question by each table settting. During dinner go around the table and have each person answer the question. Some questions to ask:

>>What two positive words describe the person sitting on your right?

>>What is the most significant gift you have ever received?

>>Describe your most memorable Thanksgiving.

>>If you could ask any Bible character to Thanksgiving dinner, who would it be? Why?

7. Make a photo booth with Thanksgiving props. Have fun taking pics. Free downloadable props here.

Thanks to thedatingdiva.com

Thanks to thedatingdivas.com

8. Keep kids busy by weaving placemats. Find instructions here along with other craft ideas.

From saratogamama.com

From saratogamama.com

9. Go turkey bowling. Just make these bowling pins and roll a football toward the turkeys.

From makeandtakes.com

From makeandtakes.com

10. Make a gratitude journal. Each year add to it. Nothing fancy, just simple lists of what each family member is thankful for.  Think how much fun it will be to read this in the future.

From pennywiseblog.blogspot.com

From pennywiseblog.blogspot.com

Interested in more ideas? Read this or this. And find more ideas on our Pinterest board.

What have you done creative to make Thanksgiving memorable in your home?

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